Jefferson County Commission Approves over $1.4 million in Federal Funding for the Central Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment (CAPTE) |
7/14/2022 |
Jefferson County Commission Approves over $1.4 million in Federal Funding for the Central Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment (CAPTE), for Youth Out-of-School, Occupational Training, and Work Based Learning Programs with Jefferson State Community College and The Dannon Project Today the Jefferson County Commission approved over $1.4 million in federal dollars of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA funds) allocated to Jefferson State Community College and The Dannon Project for Occupational Training and Work Based Learning Programs with our office of Workforce Development for the CAPTE training program that covers Blount, Chilton, Shelby, St. Clair, Walker and Jefferson County. The programs, which also involve character and leadership development, are geared to train and engage students in occupational skills ranging from the broad fields of healthcare to information technology. While gaining work experience, student participants can also make up to $13.50 an hour. The occupational training programs also provide opportunities for students to earn certifications such as welding technician to nursing assistant, and many others. The goal of both organizations is to provide occupational skills training which leads to enrollment in further education or full-time employment. Administrators began accepting applications on July 1, 2022 and will continue through June 30, 2023. How the organizations were selected: For program year 2022, as required by the WIOA, CAPTE submitted regional advertisements for request for proposals for out-of-school youth training programs. As a result, responses were received from The Dannon Project and Jefferson State Community College. The Dannon Project submitted proposals for occupational skills training and work-based learning. The Dannon Project occupational skills training contract will serve 85 participants at a cost of $778,445. The Dannon Project work-based learning contract will serve 50 participants at a cost of $500,768. Jefferson State Community College submitted a proposal for occupational skills training. The Jefferson State Community College contract will serve 25participants at a cost of $189,380. Both submissions mirrored the work of their previous CAPTE contracts. |
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