Jefferson County, Alabama

Residential Trash


Residents living in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County are responsible for managing their household waste and debris, which includes items such as furniture, tires, and appliances. You can enroll in a curbside service for trash, yard debris, and large bulk items or take your items to a local landfill. It is against the law to store these items on your property for weeks, to bury or burn them.

Jefferson County Commission has Ordinances, Laws, and Regulations that protect our land and environment from various items. The Jefferson County Weed and Litter Ordinance specifically prohibits junk/salvage materials, trash and litter, and inoperable vehicles from being left out in the environment. Please take a look and familiarize yourself with the ordinances, laws, and regulations since they will be enforced. 

Curbside Waste Disposal

AmWaste is the current vendor for residents in the unincorporated parts of Jefferson County. Contact them at 205-788-1400 or email to set up service or if you have issues with the service. The Roads and Transportation Department 205-325-5141 manages the contract for curbside waste disposal in unincorporated Jefferson County.

Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics

Some items should not be disposed of by pouring them down sinks or drains, flushing them down toilets, or throwing them in storm drains, regular trash, or residential landfills. The Jefferson County Commission offers free drop-off events at various locations throughout the year for residents of Jefferson County. View a full listing of items accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste and the Electronic Drop-Off and Paper Shredding Events.

    • HHW events: April 12, 2025, and October 18, 2025
    • Electronic Drop-Off / Paper Shredding events: January 25, 2025, May 10, 2025, and June 14, 2025.  

Tires, Furniture, Appliance Disposal

Tires stored outdoors in the rain can collect water, creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Tires can be disposed of year-round at various locations in and around Jefferson County; however, some disposal methods may require a fee. Please make sure to call ahead to check the hours of operation and any applicable fees.

Tires can be brought to ADEM certified landfills for disposal. For questions and/or additional information contact Sharkayla Perry, Environmental Scientist, ADEM, Land Division, Solid Waste Branch. (334-279-2048) email  

OR the following businesses can provide proper disposal for a small fee. (Jefferson County has no contractual relationship with this businesses)

Abandoned Vehicles & Appliances

According to the Jefferson County Weed and Litter Ordinanceit is unlawful for any person to have more than one vehicle without a current registration tag parked, left, or stored on any lot, place, or premises within the unincorporated area of Jefferson County. There are several businesses available that can assist with the removal of inoperable vehicles. While these companies typically prefer to have the owner's information and a clean title, this information is not required to remove an inoperable vehicle from your property. Please note that the Jefferson County Commission has no contractual relationship with these removal companies. However, this regulation does not apply to businesses that are properly zoned and licensed, as long as the parking, leaving, or storing of motor vehicles is a necessary part of their operations.

  • I Buy Junk Cars!  205-491-3961


Appliances can be disposed of during the annual Household Hazardous Waste Day at no cost. For more details, click here. Additionally, here is a list of various options for disposing of appliances. Please contact these companies for their hours of operation and any applicable fees. Note: Jefferson County does not have a contractual relationship with the following entities.

  • Ask the company delivering your new appliance if they can take your old one.
  • If the appliance is still functioning, consider donating it to charity. Organizations such as the Salvation Army, The Foundry, Habitat for Humanity, and many local churches may be in need of donations and offer pickup services.
  • Reach out to your residential waste disposal company (AmWaste for unincorporated Jefferson County).
  • Contact a scrap metal facility, as they may pay you for the value of the metal in the appliance. One such facility is SA Recycling, located at 1620 Vanderbilt Road, Birmingham, AL. (205-328-4283).
  • Alternatively, you can take the appliance to a landfill (please see the list below for locations).

Recycling for plastics, cans, and paper

Check with your residential trash provider, or you can take it the items to the various drop off centers below.  Please call for hours of operation and current materials accepted.

  • Birmingham Recycling and Recovery, 9 41st St. South, 35222; 205-591-8201
  • UAB Recycling Center, 620 11th street S, 35233; 205-996-9043
  • Bessemer Recycling Center, 1601 1st Avenue North, 35020; 205-425-0068

Yard Debris

The Jefferson County Board of Health Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations (Chapter 5) prohibit outdoor burning, except for the purposes of food preparation, from May through October when air quality is typically at its worst. Authorizations issued to open burn in Jefferson County during November through April require adherence to strict rules regarding location and equipment required. Improper burning could result in substantial monetary penalties. For more information on these restrictions or to report a smoke nuisance, contact the Jefferson County Department of Health at 205-930-1276.

  • A residential curbside yard debris removal service can be provided to existing AmWaste customers for an additional fee.
  • You can take items to a local landfill for a fee (see below)


Please call for hours of operation and questions on fees. Residents transporting material to these sites must cover their loads to prevent trash from blowing onto roadways. Violators may be fined.

Mt. Olive Landfill (205-631-8258)
101 Barber Blvd, Gardendale, AL 35071
Hours: Residential Convenience Center Monday - Friday 4:30 am - 5 pm, Sat 7am -12pm

Turkey Creek Landfill (205-681-6307)
7035 Narrows Road, Pinson, AL 35126
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am - 3pm, Saturday 7am -12pm
Republic operates a roll-off dumpster at this site that is trucked to the Mt. Olive landfill. The landfill itself is not active.

Johns Transfer Station (205-426-5444)
5125 Bessemer Johns Road, Bessemer, AL35023
Hours: Monday-Friday 7 am - 4 pm, Saturday 7 am -12 pm
They do not accept cash (No paint, no batteries, no tires)

Pet Waste

Properly picking up and disposing of your pet's waste is not just a courtesy; it is essential for maintaining a healthy and environmentally friendly community. Unlike wild animals, which do not live in close proximity to one another, domesticated pets can create concentrated areas of waste. In Jefferson County’s urban and suburban areas, 150,000 pet dogs generate approximately 38 tons of waste each day, posing a significant health and environmental risk.

To help address this issue, make sure to pick up your pet's waste, place it in a plastic bag, and dispose of it in the trash for curbside pickup. This practice should also be followed in your backyard. If you prefer, there are companies that provide waste disposal services for a fee. Click here, to learn how to have a pet friendly landscape.