Jefferson County, Alabama

Sample Ballots


Special Primary Election US Senate - August 15, 2017

    Democratic Special Election US Senate
    Republican Special Election US Senate

Special Primary Election House District-58 - March 7, 2017

    Democratic Special Primary House District-58

School Tax Election - March 7, 2017

     School Tax Election


Express Pass Sample Ballot

With the Express Pass Sample Ballot you will be able to review the party ballot of your choice, make selections for each category and then print the sample ballot. You can click here and enter the required information or click the Voter Express Pass link at any time from any page. The ballot information provided to you is intended as reference material and may be used to expedite your visit to the polling location on Election Day.

*Any sample ballot viewed or printed from this website is not an official ballot. To obtain an official ballot, you must go to a designated polling location on Election Day or apply for an absentee ballot.