Jefferson County to Temporarily Suspend COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Applications |
7/1/2022 |
Since May of 2021, Jefferson County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has assisted over 2,100 households stay in their homes through the COVID-19 pandemic. The program has successfully disbursed over $18 million in assistance for rent, utilities, and other housing related costs on behalf of Jefferson County residents. Jefferson County is temporarily suspending the submission of new applications for its COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in order to process applications that have already been submitted and not over allocate the program. During this time and without disruption, the program will continue processing applications already submitted and will provide financial assistance to eligible households. Jefferson County is proud of the support it has been able to provide to residents and recognizes the continued need for assistance in the community. This is why Jefferson County continues to identify additional opportunities to increase funding for our partners at the Birmingham Urban League and Bridge Ministries, beyond those already committed, to be able to meet the continued need. This is the second round of ERAP funding the County has worked with the Birmingham Urban League and Bridge Ministries to distribute. In the first round of funding Jefferson County received $13,502,417.90, in the second round it received $16,526,993.70, and the State of Alabama voluntarily reallocated $5million. Jefferson County will reopen the program based on availability of ERAP funds. About Jefferson County |
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